Monday, January 14, 2013

Lexington Green

Since the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut the gun banners have been out in force. The lemmings of the left have been parroting their every talking point while being completely unable to hold a calm and rational discussion on the issue of gun control. I've spoken with many of the lemmings and many self admitted 2nd Amendment supporters. We all know where the lemmings stand, they want to ban anything that Obama and his crew decide to ban. Most of the self admitted 2nd Amendment supporters are nothing more than talk, so afraid that they may actually have to do something more than complain.

I've also read some very passionate and intelligent articles from real 2nd Amendment supporters, the kind that are willing to put their money where their mouths are and take the hard road when there is no other choice. To you, my brothers and sisters, I say that I am with you. Some have called for packing your bag with food, cleaning your firearms, and get ready to head out the door after kissing your family for what may be the last time. I've been ready for several years, my bags have been packed and ready to go.

We are approaching the point of no return. Soon we will be called out to Lexington Green, summoned to protect the powder and the shot. When we answer the call we will be young and old, men and women, able and less able. Some will answer the call knowing that baring a divine miracle they will not get to see the end of the road when Liberty once more flows throughout the land. There will be those who want to answer the call but will be unable to take the field, those good people will do everything they can to support those who do take the field.

There will also be those who will not answer the call, who despite professing their support for the 2nd Amendment and Liberty are too accepting of the chains they have allowed to be placed upon them. Their excuses are legion - "I have children" or "I'm too old for this" or "I'm not ready, I don't have the equipment I will need" or "I'm injured". Previously, in my discussions with them I have let those excuses slide and told them to do what they could and explained the many ways they could support those in the field.

No more!

I know senior citizens who will be taking the field, knowing full well that they will likely die in the first battle they see. They are content knowing that they will be answering the call and knowing that they took one enemy with them. They will have done their part and their descendants will be able to speak proudly of them.

While I am not a senior citizen I am no spring chicken and have my share of well earned gray in my hair and beard. Nor am I hale and healthy. And yes, I do have children as well as young nieces and nephews who will not get to see their uncle again... and one day I will have grand children who will grow up never knowing their grandfather. After accidents and injuries I have a bad back, messed up shoulder, knees that have seen better days, a leg that isn't what it should be and I'm carrying around some extra weight too. Do I have all the equipment I will need, probably not, but I know there will be others that will have extras. In fact I think many will be surprised at just how much gear will be waiting to outfit those who answer when called to Lexington Green.

I don't want this. I would much rather the coming Revolution could be avoided, but those who want to ban guns, a government on the verge of tyranny, have set the course and will not change it so long as there are cannon fodder to throw into the fight.

So, my older, somewhat broken, fat self will answer the call to Lexington Green with what equipment I have. Maybe I will find a young, healthy Patriot who needs some gear and is willing to carry some of mine in exchange for it's use while I have his or her back and after I have no use for it anymore. I have no illusions that I will see the other side, and I may fall in the first battle, but I will have done my part. You see, I know that Liberty will prevail in the end, I will do my part whether I live or die. Perhaps for me there will be a divine miracle and one day I will be able to tell my grand children about my small part in restoring Liberty.

I could use all the excuses that are used by many for why they will not answer the call to Lexington Green but I choose not to. Unlike you I have one excuse you do not - "I was not born here, this is not my fight". However, I chose to live here, my family is American. I will defend the Constitution and I will fight for Liberty!

So when you see me on Lexington Green call me "brother", for although I was not born of this land, your "brother" I will be.

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Gun Control and a new Assault Weapon Ban

I feel the need to post once more. The past several weeks have seen a flurry of calls for additional gun bans. Several states have put forth proposed bans that would affect just about every modern firearm in existence, just about every firearm made in the last 100 years. This would effectively disarm the American public.

I'm not going to go into the 2nd Amendment, Supreme Court of the US decisions where they said the 2nd Amendment was an individual vs a collective right, historical documents that support this, etc.

These are all logical and undisputed facts, something the gun banners just ignore. Instead, like the anti-gunners out there I will deal with emotion and feelings.

Take an hour of your time and watch this video called "Innocents Betrayed". It is about the worst dictators and murders of the 20th century and how after they banned guns they committed mass murder and what are universally agreed were crimes against humanity. You may recognize some of the names - Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse-tung, Idi Amin, Pol Pot and others. You can watch the video here:

Those dictators and mass murders killed more than 30 million people in the 20th century.

If you support gun control then you're agreeing with the 20th centuries worst dictators and murders - Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Amin and others. Collectively they murdered over 30 million defenseless men, women & children after they outlawed guns. If you agree with them on banning guns and disarming the public what other policies of theirs do you support? If you want to ban guns and disarm the public what will you do or call for next?

How is it reasonable to support their actions? How is it reasonable to support what is universally agreed were crimes against humanity? How can we not wonder if you will follow more of their actions when leaders of your ranks have already publicly called for the murder of pro gun advocates and pro gun groups? How can it be reasonable for anyone to trust you at all?