Sunday, March 15, 2009

Do you know where your family is?

March 14, 2009

The Revolution when it comes will likely be over in one of two time frames – quick and lasting only a matter of days, or it will be long and will drag out for a year or more. If it lasts more than a few days, months to years, we will see certain situations arise.

The Revolution could cause an economic collapse or it could be caused by an economic collapse. In either case average Americans will find themselves having difficulty with basic day to day living. Food will become scarce, paying the mortgage will be difficult due to lack of jobs. People will move around in search of work and food.

Rioting in the cities will make life difficult there. Homes will be destroyed by fire or by combat damage. People will have no choice but to leave and search for a new place to live. Some of those will end up in areas controlled by the militia. We are everywhere while our opponents are concentrated in cities and around bases.

Being brutally honest, when the Jack Booted Thugs come for you they will not care about your family. If your family is injured or killed they will call it “collateral damage” and say it is your fault. We know that they care nothing for women and children – just ask the Weavers or the families that lost loved ones at Waco.

When we are in the field they will attack our families because in doing so they hope to cause harm to us. Or they will take our families and tell us that if we want to see them safe again that we must turn ourselves in. This same tactic was used by the British during the Boer War – the British rounded up the families of the Boer guerrilla fighters and put them in concentration camps so that they were unable to lend aid to the men, and as a bargaining chip against the men fighting the British.

We already know and understand this. This is why we operate in our own areas where we can remain close to home. This is why when we operate further afield our families will not be without protection and defense. We will rest easy at night knowing that our families are safe.

So to our opponents we say this:

As militia we hold all of the People and all families sacred, even your family. We would never harm innocents and we would help your family if it is in our power. This includes helping your family who has lost everything get back on their feet. Yes, we would take your family in and provide for them even though you may be fighting us.

We would open our homes to them. We would treat them as our own family until we were able to set them up with a new home, the necessities of life, and a way for them to live and provide for themselves.

As things progress property will be destroyed and people will be displaced due to loss of home, fleeing from fighting or from rioting. Your family could be among those displaced. So before you obey that order to fire on those displaced people you need to consider that your family may be among them.

When ordered to attack that “militia” encampment keep in mind that we may have taken in your family. Before you obey that order consider that your family may be among the people there.

When ordered to attack that “militia” house consider that it may be your family in there because we took them in.

You can not protect your family if you are not there with them. When you leave you run the risk of your family not being there when you return. You run the risk of harming your family by not being there. Could you live with yourself if you found out that your were the one that harmed you family?

There are really only two ways to keep your family safe – to stay home with them or to join us so that we can protect them as one of our own.

When you are following your orders keep this ever in your mind: Do you know where your family is?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Why we must fight

March 2. 2009

Throughout all of recorded history, and all of human history, the bulk of the people have sought nothing but peace and prosperity. There have always been those who are lazy and wish for society to provide for them. There have always been the ultimate social parasites who want the bulk of society to worship and provide for them. They desire to rule the rest of humanity via tyranny and fear.

Over 200 years ago our fore fathers cast off the chains of tyranny and formed a new government. A Republic, they called it, where every man and woman was equal and none greater than any other. They wrote a Constitution that placed shackles on the government they created to serve the People of the Republic.

Unfortunately for us, once they won, our fore fathers showed mercy and allowed their enemy to slink away.

Since that time our enemy has hid in the shadows, venturing forth only to steal a bit of our Liberty and our Rights piece by tiny piece.

Now we find ourselves with a government that considers itself our master. Our elected representatives ignore our instructions while they line their pockets and steal the wealth of our nation.

Our justice system has become corrupt. We can no longer receive fair trials. Our juries are told that they must obey the instructions of the judge. We are told that our Constitution does not apply and that our evidence does not matter. Instead of being innocent until proven guilty we are assumed to be guilty until we can prove our innocence.

Our peace officers consider themselves of more importance than the People they swear an oath to. We can be arrested for arguing with a police officer, we can be tasered and beaten for not complying with their instructions fast enough. When these uniformed thugs are caught violating the Rights and Liberties of a citizen they are given a slap on the wrist and allowed to go back out on the streets.

The federal government has exceeded its constitutionally limited powers and intrudes into every corner of every state and into every aspect of our lives. They fail in their most basic duty to protect our borders. They pass “laws” that say they can ignore warrants and writs of habeas corpus. They infringe on every one of the Rights enumerated in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Behind all of this are the descendants of the enemy our fore fathers fought and defeated. The Founders warned us that this day would come if we were not vigilant. They were right, the day has come.

For long years we have tried to change the course the enemy has put us on. We have tried to peacebly vote their lackeys and agents out of office and vote our own people in. This course has not worked for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is voter fraud and other criminal activities behind the scenes.

We have tried to ue the courts as well as educating our fellow countrymen. It matters not what peaceful tactic we use, we are often arrested, tried in a kangaroo court and jailed.
They persucute us, destroy our wealth, destroy our health, threaten our families and even murder us. While they take these actions they also use propaganda in the media and education system to villify and persecute us.

The proof is there for those who choose to see. For those who choose to see, the only avenue still available to us is outright removal of the federal government.Unfortunately this will not come about without a fight.

Our servants have designated themselves our masters and they do not want to relinquish the power they have stolen from us. They have convinced the courts and many of the people that they have a right to use this stolen power. They also have control of the police and military, although not as many as they think.

The simple fact is that we must fight because we have been left no other choice. If we do not fight, the Republic will die and our children and grand children will be nothing more than slaves.

To use the line that our enemy has so often used on us when they seek to further erode our Liberty and further restrict our Rights - “It is for the chlidren”.

It is for our children that we must fight. We must fight so they can enjoy the Rights and Liberties that is their birthright. We must fight to ensure that they live free and prsperous lives not lives of toil and slavery.

Because the enemy intends to enslave not just the People of this Republic but the entire world, we must not stop at our borders as our fore fathers did, we must hunt the enemy down to the ends of the earth, rooting them out where ever we find them and destroy their ability to ever pose a threat to us again.

We must fight not because we want to, but because we have to. We must fight to get our country back. We must fight for our children. We must fight because the alternative is slavery and death.


Military Generals – Organizing the Militia

February 29, 2009

Recently there have been rumors that generals in the military are talking about organizing the militia.

On one hand this is great news. If the military generals are playing a role in the organization of citizen militias then it can not be said that the militias are not “well regulated”.

On the other hand I have to wonder why now?

Some think it is another plan by the government to infiltrate citizen militias. This could be possible, it may even be probable. We have been the subject of infiltration by the federal government before, and we will again. For the sake of this commentary I am going to take the position that these generals feel they need to do this for the sake of the People and the country.

My question to these generals is “Why now?” The People and the country could have used your help in the past. Yet you were not there. In fact when asked by the federal government you sent troops and armor to storm a church filled with the old and the young.

You did not stand up them. In fact, you helped murder the old and the young. In case you have forgotten that incident was Waco, Texas. Regardless of your thoughts on the religious beliefs of those Americans you swore an oath to uphold the Constitution – to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.

It seems to many of us that you have forgotten the oaths you have taken and that you ignored those oaths when you failed to uphold the Constitution. It seems to many of us that you are more interested in your “career” than anything else.

Given your past performance, or lack thereof, in upholding your oaths and defending the Constitution and the People, should we trust you? Why would we trust you when you say you are now with us?

History has given us great reason to ask that you prove yourselves. While we would gladly accept the help of the military in the coming Revolution we do not expect much help. Many of us are ex-military and do not believe that we can expect more than 10 % to join our just and lawful Revolution.

We have tried to use peaceful means to correct the path the Republic has been placed on by our enemy, but those peaceful means have failed. We have been left with no other option but to fight. This is in no small part due to your continued lack of support for the People and your failure to uphold your oaths.

Our plans, our training and our hopes are made without expectation of help from the military. We have had to make our plans based on situations where we would be opposed by the military. As much as this pains and saddens us we have had no indication that the military would side with the People in their lawful and Constitutional exercising of our Rights and Duties.

Although we have been maligned, ridiculed, harassed, threatened, thrown in jail and even murdered we have remained resolute and steadfast to our duty to our families, countrymen and our Constitution. Through all of this you have remained on the sidelines or as an opponent. You will forgive us if we remain wary.

Further, part of this rumor was the organizing of the militia along military lines. We are not the military. We don not think in rigid thought patterns, we do not operate as you do. If you are not one of us you can not fathom our capabilities or our ways.

For too long we have been told to expect no quarter. For too long we have been called criminals. For too long we have been called terrorists. For too long we have been told that the rules of war do not apply to us.

Quite frankly, that suits us just fine. We understand only one rule of war – victory at all costs! We have no choice, if we lose then everything we hold dear will be discarded on the trash heap of history. We have no option but victory, so we will use any means and tactic at our disposal to ensure that we emerge victorious!

Unlike our Founders we will not stop at our borders. This battle was fought once before, mercy was shown to our enemy then and they came back for another try. This time we will pursue our enemy to the ends of the earth, we will root them out from whatever rocks they crawl under and we will bring them to justice. We will ensure that our children, grand children and great grandchildren will never have to face our enemy. We will destroy them, their power bases and their ability to try to destroy this Republic and humanity.

If you are sincere in your desire to aid the People then we will gladly welcome you. You will be welcome to fight along side us and to aid us. Remember that you serve the People and that while you may remain in command of your formations that you will do so under our command and direction. This is our fight and we will fight it our way. If you do not have the resolve for this or your ego will not allow you to do this then step aside and stay out of our way. There is no middle ground – you are either our ally or you are our enemy. You will either be victorious with us or you will be defeated and crushed by us.

Join us if you will, but you do so at the will and direction of the People.


Thoughts on a new Revolution

I've heard from friends who travel the country in trucks that it seems everyone can feel a revolution in the air. As they go from state to state they hear the same talk of revolution from people they would not expect to hear it from. These fine folks they talk to do not belong to the local militia, they do not listen to militia radio or visit militia websites. They do not identify with the patriot movement, they don't know what patriot radio is or what a patriot website is.

These fine folks espousing the sentiment that there is going to be a revolution are salt of the earth, dirt under their fingernails, blue collar, average Americans. These are the people who don't know that they are militia, as are we all, but these folks will answer the call when it comes.

Unfortunately it is these fine people, who lacking training, will suffer the highest casualties as they bravely answer the call. It is to these people that I write now.

Know my fellow patriot that your heart is brave and that we vastly outnumber the foe. Know also that due to our numbers we have superior strength and that from our strength, bravery and commitment will come victory.

It is my fervent wish that we achieve victory with the least number of casualties possible. It is with that goal in mind that I pen these words.

Over 200 years ago the Founding Fathers also rose up against a tyrannical government and threw off the chains that bound them. In doing so average men used the skills they had to conduct war on their terms. Since they had great skill in hunting, shooting and moving lightly they used this to their advantage whenever possible. We can learn from their example, and examples since in how to conduct ourselves in the coming revolution.

In the First American Revolution the Founders used the tactic of ambush and move. They would specifically target British officers, a tactic that was against the rules of war as the British knew them.

We will use those very same tactics. We will strike from a position of concealment at a place and time of our choosing. We will target officers, NCOs, and other targets that present themselves. We will shoot once and then fade away to strike at another place and time of our choosing. This does not mean that we will not see pitched battles, but it does mean that the average person will take what targets present themselves, fire one shot, and escape undetected.

Constant sniping and harassment of this type can very quickly demoralize an opponent. It also helps us in our goal to win at the least cost possible. If every person was to make one good shot and no more we would win.

One single shot from 300+ yards is very hard to detect. A general area may be identified, but the chances of 100% accurate identification is virtually impossible. The sniper is the most feared man on the battle field. We will become a nation of snipers taking only one shot at a time.

Many of you are going to go about your daily lives in as normal a manner possible. All the while you will be watching for the best time to make your one shot count.

Some will actively campaign, but they can not be everywhere at once. This is where the average person comes in. Passing along information and aid they will help to make sure that those who are actively campaigning will have the most effectiveness. As these average people are seemingly going about their normal lives they will watch for the opportunities that present themselves and they will act in the appropriate manner.

The appropriate manner will differ for each person. In some cases it will be actively campaigning, in others it will be that single well placed shot. For some it will be putting aside a bit of food, clothes, boots, ammunition, medical or some of the many other supplies needed to help those in the field day in and day out. Some people will pass along information, some will provide a warm meal, a dry place to sleep, medical attention or help in some other manner as needed.

Despite their desire, there are many people who will not be able to be in the field for one reason or another. Age, physical limitations or any number of other reason will keep some people tied to the area they live in or otherwise unable to take to the field. Some will be in a unique situation where they are more valuable remaining where they are than they would be in the field. There are many other roles that will be needed if we are to prevail. There is a role for every person according to their means and their ability. Find the right role for yourself and do your part.

A trusted police officer may be in the position to pass along important information. A member of the military may be in the same role. A mechanic can sabotage equipment he or she works on, ensuring that it will fail at a critical time. A cook could taint food before an important battle, a farmer could do the same with the produce. A doctor or nurse could provide information on casualties suffered by the foe, they could pass along medical supplies or provide medical attention as needed. An average mother who houses one or two troops could do any number of things from sabotaging equipment to passing along information.

Often it is the smallest of things that bring down an army. Lack of food, bad food, bad water, disease, inability to move, lack of sleep and many others degrade the performance of an army and demoralize them.

Random gun shots at night will disrupt the sleep. We all know what happens after a few nights of limited sleep. If doing this never use the same time, always pick a random time. You can have two or three people in different spots shoot at exactly the same time, this will create confusion as to where the shot came from.

If the enemy is sourcing their food locally you can use the opportunity to slip in some bad food. An army that is trotting to the latrines every 30 minutes is ineffective in the field and will require a great deal of supplies and man power to take care the incapacitated troops.

These are just a few ideas that can be used to ensure minimum casualties. Remember your goal is to be undetected and unharmed. Smile as you are planning your action and let the enemy think that you are on their side or at least neutral.

Pick your place, your time and make your shot or action count. Then go home knowing that if you do no more then you have done your part!
