Sunday, March 15, 2009

Do you know where your family is?

March 14, 2009

The Revolution when it comes will likely be over in one of two time frames – quick and lasting only a matter of days, or it will be long and will drag out for a year or more. If it lasts more than a few days, months to years, we will see certain situations arise.

The Revolution could cause an economic collapse or it could be caused by an economic collapse. In either case average Americans will find themselves having difficulty with basic day to day living. Food will become scarce, paying the mortgage will be difficult due to lack of jobs. People will move around in search of work and food.

Rioting in the cities will make life difficult there. Homes will be destroyed by fire or by combat damage. People will have no choice but to leave and search for a new place to live. Some of those will end up in areas controlled by the militia. We are everywhere while our opponents are concentrated in cities and around bases.

Being brutally honest, when the Jack Booted Thugs come for you they will not care about your family. If your family is injured or killed they will call it “collateral damage” and say it is your fault. We know that they care nothing for women and children – just ask the Weavers or the families that lost loved ones at Waco.

When we are in the field they will attack our families because in doing so they hope to cause harm to us. Or they will take our families and tell us that if we want to see them safe again that we must turn ourselves in. This same tactic was used by the British during the Boer War – the British rounded up the families of the Boer guerrilla fighters and put them in concentration camps so that they were unable to lend aid to the men, and as a bargaining chip against the men fighting the British.

We already know and understand this. This is why we operate in our own areas where we can remain close to home. This is why when we operate further afield our families will not be without protection and defense. We will rest easy at night knowing that our families are safe.

So to our opponents we say this:

As militia we hold all of the People and all families sacred, even your family. We would never harm innocents and we would help your family if it is in our power. This includes helping your family who has lost everything get back on their feet. Yes, we would take your family in and provide for them even though you may be fighting us.

We would open our homes to them. We would treat them as our own family until we were able to set them up with a new home, the necessities of life, and a way for them to live and provide for themselves.

As things progress property will be destroyed and people will be displaced due to loss of home, fleeing from fighting or from rioting. Your family could be among those displaced. So before you obey that order to fire on those displaced people you need to consider that your family may be among them.

When ordered to attack that “militia” encampment keep in mind that we may have taken in your family. Before you obey that order consider that your family may be among the people there.

When ordered to attack that “militia” house consider that it may be your family in there because we took them in.

You can not protect your family if you are not there with them. When you leave you run the risk of your family not being there when you return. You run the risk of harming your family by not being there. Could you live with yourself if you found out that your were the one that harmed you family?

There are really only two ways to keep your family safe – to stay home with them or to join us so that we can protect them as one of our own.

When you are following your orders keep this ever in your mind: Do you know where your family is?

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